Infant Developmental Milestones: 0-5 Months
Developmental Milestones: 0-5 Months
This checklist is a general guideline, please remember that all children develop at different rates. Use this resource to discuss strengths and goals when working with a teacher, child specialist, or educational nanny in the home.
0-2 Month Check List
Please answer YES or NO to the following questions regarding the child
__________ Reacts to changes in pitch and volume?
__________ Responds to speech by looking at the speaker?
__________ Has a different response to his/her primary caregiver compared to others?
__________ Hold’s his/her head up for a few seconds with support?
__________ Raises head up slightly when placed on stomach?
__________ Attempts to lift head and chest while lying on stomach?
__________ Hold’s his/her hand in a fist?
__________ Touch, pull and tug on his own hands?
__________ Focus on moving objects with his/her range of sight?
__________ Turns head towards bright colors and light?
__________ Can be comforted by a familiar adult?
__________ Sucks his/her own fingers to soothe?
__________ Responds positively to touch?
__________ Smiles and responds to social situations?
3-5 Month Check List
__________ Attempts to imitate sounds?
__________ Makes sounds in response to your sounds?
__________ Responds with a smile or laugh when you smile?
__________ Responds to his/her image in the mirror by smiling?
__________ Makes noises when he/she sees his/her image in the mirror?
__________ Seems to listen to conversations?
__________ Turns head towards familiar voices?
__________ Responds to his/her own name?
__________ Grasps toys/objects?
__________ Shakes a rattle when placed in hand?
__________ Places objects in mouth?
__________ Reaches for toys/objects with both hands?
__________ Pulls on own hands and feet?
__________ Holds hand in a fist?
__________ Holds head up well?
__________ Lifts head when placed on stomach?
__________ Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy?
__________ Sits upright when propped?
__________ Turns head to the sound of a familiar voice?
__________ Recognizes familiar faces?
__________ Pays attention to nearby faces?
__________ Reacts to the game Peek-A-Boo?
__________ Laughs out loud?
__________ Show’s pleasure by smiling?
__________ Respond’s to his/her name?